Diet therapy

Diet therapy

Diet therapy can be regarded as a change in the diet we normally consume in order to treat an illness or disease in our body. Basic nutrition for your specific needs is vital for dietary treatments aimed at getting you back to normal, healthy eating patterns. The modification in your diet may mean change in several dietary factors. For instance, modification in consistency may mean a liquid diet, modification in texture often means a low fiber diet and likewise.

used to avoid or treat obesity, post-surgery treatment and fighting or controlling symptoms of disease

Various types of therapeutic diets

For beginning diet therapy, it is necessary to start with a normal or goal diet and mapping a plan to acieve it. In other words we can say that diet therapy is the modification of your normal diet in which this modified diet is taken in such a way that it is nutritional and acceptable at the same time to the patient.
During times of illness, a person moves from one type of modified diet to the other diet gradually and thus ultimately leading to your normal or goal diet. For instance, if a person has under gone a surgery, a liquid diet is very essential and eventually it becomes a stepping stone that leads to your everyday, base diet. The main intention of providing this kind of diet plan is to help the patient to return to the normal absorption and digestion patterns.

Liquid diet

A liquid diet may include many clear liquids, fruit drinks, fruit waters and possibly specialized sport drinks. For example, water, fruit juices, sugarcane juice, clear gatorade or vitamin water and other clear beverages. These liquids provide clear fluids to relieve thirst and prevent dehydration. They maintain the electrolyte balance in our body and provide minimum bowel residue. The liquid diets are recommended only for shorter periods of time, typically after a surgery. This is because of the fact that a liquid diet contains inadequacies in all types of nutrients and usually causes fast weight loss, however that fact may be a desired result of a liquid diet.

Soft diet

The soft diet is often called a low fiber diet. It contains only materials and foods that are soft in consistency and easily chewable. They are free from most of the fibers of a normal diet and are easily digestible. These soft diets contain adequate nutrition and serves as an intermediate diet between liquid and normal diet. This diet is very helpful when you have gastrointestinal problems. These diets also contain nutrition that is adequate and sufficient for most people.

Fluid diet

The fluid diet contains liquified foods as well as clear liquids, milk and milk products. A fluid diet may include food like milk, fruit and vegetable juices. The fluid diet is the recommended diet therapy for patients who cannot tolerate solid food or are unable to chew and swallow their food.

TYPES OF DIETS Diets used in the treatment of disease are often spoken of by specific names that show a special composition and often indicate the purpose for which the diet is intended. Regular Diet The regular diet is composed of all types of foods and is well balanced and capable of maintaining a state of good nutrition. It is intended for convalescing patients who do not require a therapeutic diet. Modified or Therapeutic Diets Modified or therapeutic diets are modifications of the regular diet and are designed to meet specific patient needs. These include · method of preparation (e.g., baking, boiling, or broiling), · consistency (e.g., ground or chopped), · total calories (e.g., high or low calorie), · nutrients (e.g., altering carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals), and · allowing only specific foods (e.g., diabetic diet). SOFT DIET.—The soft diet is soft in texture and consists of liquids and semi-solid foods. It is indicated in certain postoperative cases, for convalescents who cannot tolerate a regular diet, in acute illnesses, and in some gastrointestinal disorders. A soft diet is an intermediate step between a liquid and regular diet and is low in connective tissue and indigestible dietary fiber. Little or no spices are used in its preparation. The soft diet includes all liquids other than alcohol, and foods that may be incorporated into a soft 9-7

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Diet Therapy Helps Relieve Sciatica



Sciatica usually arises from herniated disc or Piriformis Syndrome. But, one of the potentially strong causes leading to sciatica can also be unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits. A balanced diet is vital for healthy living. If you are a sciatica sufferer and want to cure your pain completely, follow the diet therapy and treat your sciatic pain in the most natural way.

It is a known fact that the pain of sciatica is always accompanied with constipation. Therefore, the food products that intensify indigestion should be strictly avoided. Here is the perfect diet regime for sciatic patients that can help them get over the pain:

The combination of potatoes and celery leaves is known to ease sciatica. A minimum of 10 ounces of it should be consumed per day. To further fortify the taste as well as strength of this mixture, add lots of beetroots and carrots to it. As an alternative to juice, you can also drink celery tea.

One of the popular juices i.e. believed to cure sciatica symptoms is Elderberry juice. Elderberry tea is also beneficial. Both of them are muscle relaxants as well as stimulants.

Vegetables and carbohydrates
Diet rich in carbohydrates should be taken as it contains cellulose that offers roughage and stimulates bowel movements. Green leafy fibrous vegetables are quite advantageous as they aid in digestion & eliminate waste products. Heavy meals should be strictly avoided.

Vitamin, minerals and supplements
Garlic supplements are known to be remedial for sciatic pain. To get relieved from pain, vitamin B1 as well as B-complex supplements can be taken. These supplements help in circulation and act as an anti-oxidant that provides warmth and energy to the body.

Thiamine and B1 can be found in Nuts, Green Peas, Beef, Whole-Grain Cereals, Bananas, Pork, Spinach, Pinto Beans, Liver, Navy Beans, Breads, Soybeans, Unpolished Rice, etc. These products as well as salads that consist of parsley and watercress can prove as effective sciatica remedies.

It is strongly believed that garlic milk is an excellent medium for sciatic pain relief. Mince garlic’s two cloves in ½ cup of milk. Drink this mixture twice a day to see results in just a week. Also, you need to be cautious while consuming garlic as during its intake, other medications such as anticoagulants should be strictly avoided.

Last but the best way to cure your sciatic pain is with the help of water. Drink as much water as you can to treat sciatica. Water improves circulation, stimulates bowel movement and aids in digestion.

Thus, with the diet therapy you can get relief from sciatic pain quite easily. Just eat what is right and sciatica would no longer be a problem for you.

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